
Digital or not?

I've always enjoyed making my own cards and scrapbooking. Scrapbooking I haven't done in ages, but cards I've tried to keep up on...at least once a year - usually for Christmas. And if you're wondering why you didn't get a Christmas card for 2008 it's because I didn't get around to sending them. I made them. But now they'll be my 2009 Christmas cards - maybe - if I still like them when Christmas nears again. (Isn't that how it goes sometimes? Anyway...)

Paper, punches, stamps, ribbon, you name it. These are usually my choice of tools and supplies. But last night I decided to try my hand at the digital side of creating, using downloadable scrapbooking kits.

I used Rhonna Farrer's designs for Two Peas in a Bucket, some much needed tutoring from my sister, lots of patience and time.

Okay, it's definitely not anything to WOW about, but I was pretty excited with what I learned and discovered I could do. I still feel somewhat inept in the digital world but at least now I'm a little more prepared for the next time I open up a digital kit.

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I love it! You did a fabulous job. You "wowed" me.